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Walk Alone!

We frequently confuse the state of “being alone” with “being lonely”. Just like asymmetry is the opposite of symmetry, alone and lone are two opposite things. When we are lonely there is a lack of connection both within and outside. Often our connection with the outside world stems from the connection to our inner selves. Emotionally and psychologically sorted individuals are more likely to experience healthy relationships and bonding with the outside World than their counterparts. It’s quite possible to feel lonely in a crowd or at times even being with our family and friends. Not necessarily we can build connections or feel connected to people around us. To feel connected to someone, we first need to be in sync with each other. Under such circumstances, feelings flow without words. Communication becomes strong, it becomes easy to place ourselves in other’s shoes and get their perspective. But how can we be in sync with others if we are not in sync with ourselves?

              When we are alone, we bring in the possibility to build connections with our inner selves. It is important to try to step up with the purpose of understanding our own selves before holding such expectations from others. We are mostly unaware of what we want from our life. The pursuit of happiness ends up being futile without having clarity on what we desire. To know what we want we first need to be friends with our own selves, build a sense of trust with our inner being, so that we can unfold. When we start enjoying our own company, people gradually start enjoying our company as well.

              Many of us avoid being alone, despite the fact they are the ones who are mostly lonely irrespective of who they surround themselves with. Whereas being alone is a way to be in sync with our inner selves, understanding our emotions and gain clarity in our actions, which taken together make us way more connected to our surroundings. Thus, being alone does not adhere to the criteria of being lonely. With such strong connections both in and out, a person can be anything but lonely. So, let’s not deprive ourselves of such holistic experiences by spending time being alone, walking alone, taking ourselves on a private date, listening to our inner voice, showing some self-love and be content and bring out our better version both for us and for the people around us.


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I'm a scientist, researcher, writer, mother, cook, organizer, nature lover and explorer. Amidst of everything that keep us moving, I often get lost. This is when I take a break and go on a one-on-one date with myself. I pen down my thoughts and make these blogs.

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